By: “Dr Steve” Hannant @SportsShrink With: Pat @BamBamHealy , Lightweight Champion Contender When talking with BamBam you will learn very quickly his MMA mission: Strikeforce Champion UFC Champion Why is Pat “BamBam” Healy often the underdog? His fight record of 40+ pro fights makes him look old, really? Or does it make him experienced and […]

The Underdog Pat “Bam Bam” Healy And The Road Less Traveled – Part 2
By: “Dr Steve” Hannant @SportsShrink With: Pat @BamBamHealy , Lightweight Champion Contender Why is Pat “BamBam” Healy often the underdog? His fight record of 44 pro fights makes him look old, really? Or does it make him experienced and tough? Despite the stereotypes, BamBam is only 29 years old, an age often considered the prime […]

Build a Team Quest at home, for Christmas?
Dr Steve @SportsShrink spends 1 week inside @TeamQuest Headquarters Day 1 The Arrival The first thing my family and I learned was the Team Quest generosity and family atmosphere. We arrived at PDX Airport and were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by Matt Lindland’s daughter and future dentist Robin @Super_Twig driving our ride for the […]

The Underdog Pat “Bam Bam” Healy And The Road Less Traveled
By: “Dr Steve” Hannant @SportsShrink With: Pat @BamBamHealy , Lightweight Champion Contender Why is Pat “BamBam” Healy often the underdog? His fight record of 43 pro fights makes him look old, really? Or does it make him experienced and tough? Despite the stereotypes, BamBam is only 28 years old, an age often considered the prime […]