Mental Training is Gardening – Part 1 By: DrSteve @SportsShrink @DrHannant Ultimate Fighter @BamBamHealy is… The BamBam Lean Green Garden Machine Pat “Bam Bam” Healy lives on #FreedomFarm and grows his own fighter fuel via gardening fruits and vegetables. Right now he is producing some of the best green goods. Pat says, “We have carrots, […]

Behavioral Activation
Enhance your Mental Fitness by becoming a B.A. Not BA Baracus, but a Behavioral Activator 🙂 Behavioral Activation (BA) is a treatment approach that helps people feel better by increasing their positive mood states. A “Behavioral Activator” utilizes behavioral activation techniques to enhance mental fitness and optimize wellbeing. Become a BA and add Behavioral Activation […]

Jokester Mental Training?
Jokester Mental Training? “We were working on the boarders of Cambodia. As soon as the refugees came in, if the child would laugh, we knew they would live.” ~ Nun working with Cambodian refugees Most people have heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Many have dismissed this statement from a well-meaning friend or […]