@T_RevMcCumby T-REV KNOWS WINNING w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Trevor “T-Rev” McCumby, is a professional boxer and #KO artist with a super impressive record of 13 wins, 0 losses, and 10 Knockouts! He is an Illinois native & currently lives in Arizona. His amateur career was also spectacular with a record of 138-11 […]

Brief Brain Integration
Brief Brain Integration w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Integration of the brain is imperative to Achieve Your Personal Best. @DrDanSiegel explains we can create experiences that integrate different parts of our brains and our children’s brains. For example, a brain that is use to hours of screen time (computer, video games etc.) is […]

Understanding Basic Brain Integration
Understanding basic Brain Integration w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice “With our mind we make the world.” – Gautama Buddha Understanding Brain integration increases your wellbeing and optimizes your ability to achieve success. The brain is comprised of multiple parts. @DrDanSiegel emphasizes that we have left, right, upper, and lower brains. The parts each […]

Integrate Your Brain And Mental Training
Integrate Your Brain & Mental Training w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” -Marcus Aurelius We all spend a good portion of our lives trying to create some sense of well-being. We go to work to […]

The Golden Way and Mental Training
The Golden Way & Mental Training w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice The greatest stories are often metaphors that help us understand and hopefully improve our lives. No matter your beliefs, the story of the Golden Buddha provides a wonderful metaphor for anyone interested in optimizing his or her wellbeing. One of the most […]

Mental Training is Gardening – Part 2
Mental Training is Gardening – Part 2 w/ DrSteve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell @WilsonPractice There is no arguing that the American way of life has changed drastically over the past fifty years. One of the most drastic changes has been the ease access to food due to multiple technological advancements. The average American diet has […]

Mental Training is Gardening – Part 1
Mental Training is Gardening – Part 1 By: DrSteve @SportsShrink @DrHannant Ultimate Fighter @BamBamHealy is… The BamBam Lean Green Garden Machine Pat “Bam Bam” Healy lives on #FreedomFarm and grows his own fighter fuel via gardening fruits and vegetables. Right now he is producing some of the best green goods. Pat says, “We have carrots, […]

Jokester Mental Training?
Jokester Mental Training? “We were working on the boarders of Cambodia. As soon as the refugees came in, if the child would laugh, we knew they would live.” ~ Nun working with Cambodian refugees Most people have heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Many have dismissed this statement from a well-meaning friend or […]

Understand Imagery & Visualization
Understand Imagery & Visualization By Dr. Steve @SportsShrink with @MentalProgram The power of imagination makes us infinite. ~ John Muir Imagery is the process in which one is able to produce pictures or movies in the mind. Visualization includes what you see (i.e., visual goals) and why to see it (i.e., the meaning and Intention) […]

Pat “BamBam” Healy And The Champion Quest
By: “Dr Steve” Hannant @SportsShrink With: Pat @BamBamHealy , Lightweight Champion Contender When talking with BamBam you will learn very quickly his MMA mission: Strikeforce Champion UFC Champion Why is Pat “BamBam” Healy often the underdog? His fight record of 40+ pro fights makes him look old, really? Or does it make him experienced and […]