Achieve A Peace of Mind… What is Interpersonal Neurobiology? w/ Dr Steve @SportsShrink & Matthew Mitchell @WilsonPractice Interpersonal Neurobiology is an interdisciplinary approach to studying the development of the human mind. It is rooted firmly in the idea that integration of different functions of the mind creates a more intricate human experience and ultimately leads […]

Mental Training is Gardening – Part 1
Mental Training is Gardening – Part 1 By: DrSteve @SportsShrink @DrHannant Ultimate Fighter @BamBamHealy is… The BamBam Lean Green Garden Machine Pat “Bam Bam” Healy lives on #FreedomFarm and grows his own fighter fuel via gardening fruits and vegetables. Right now he is producing some of the best green goods. Pat says, “We have carrots, […]

Parenting from the Inside Out
Parenting from the Inside Out HOW A DEEPER SELF-UNDERSTANDING CAN HELP YOU RAISE CHILDREN WHO THRIVE By: DANIEL J. SIEGEL, M.D., AND MARY HARTZELL, M.ED. Book review by @DrHannant & Sandy Shaw Hannant In Parenting From the Inside Out the authors introduce the concept that “by making sense of your own childhood, we have the […]

#PsychoTraining? The Alliance Of Training, Coaching, And Therapy… “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ~ Carl Jung The words of Carl Jung ring true in @MattLindland’s recent reflections on his experience with World Famous Horse Whisperer @Monty_Roberts. Elite Coach Matt […]

5 Keys to Raising an Extraordinary Daughter
5 Keys to Raising an Extraordinary Daughter By: Elite Coach @MattLindland with Dr Steve @SportsShrink & Matt Mitchell Elite Coach @MattLindland is primarily known for his success as an expert MMA athlete, Olympic wrestling medalist, elite coach, renowned speaker, and owner of the International MMA and Fitness Club @TeamQuest. In this video, Elite Coach Lindland […]

Understand Imagery & Visualization
Understand Imagery & Visualization By Dr. Steve @SportsShrink with @MentalProgram The power of imagination makes us infinite. ~ John Muir Imagery is the process in which one is able to produce pictures or movies in the mind. Visualization includes what you see (i.e., visual goals) and why to see it (i.e., the meaning and Intention) […]

@MieshaTate Versus @julesk_fighter
@MieshaTate Versus @julesk_fighter August 18th, 2012 @StrikeForce on @SHOsports FightNight Prediction By: Dr. Steve Hannant @SportsShrink This Saturday @StrikeForce on @SHOsports #TakeDownTate fights the #Fireball @julesk_fighter and via @Twitter you will see that the @MieshasArmy tweeted the Channel Guide. @MieshaTate ‘s 8/18 fight on Showtime Extreme! DirectTV: Ch. 549; DishNetwork: Ch. 322; Cable: Check Listing. […]