Thought Record Choose 1 disturbing thought and complete the assessment below: Remember: “Don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that – thoughts.” – A. Lokos “We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls.” – Winston Churchill

Personal Ethos
Personal Ethos United States Army “Warrior Ethos” (Ethos: character, reflects core beliefs and values) I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. What is your personal ethos?

Super Short-Term Goals
A goal is considered super short-term if it will take about one day or less to complete. The Super Short-Term Goal (SSTG) is most effective when it is related to a Short-Term Goal and Long-Term Goal. The SSTG therefore acts as the blueprints or map in route to STG then LTG achievement. A goal is […]

Pre-Competition Rituals
A ritual is a certain behavior or action that an athlete performs with the belief that these behaviors have a specific purpose, or power, to influence their performance. Many athletes believe that performing a specific ritual before competition improves their performance. These rituals range from the clothes they wear to the foods they eat or […]

Motivational Strategies: Music & Video
Motivation comes in many forms. The focus of the particular inquiry is to assess what types of music and video is preferred by top athletes to provoke specific mood states. Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great. – Mark Twain People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does […]

Short-Term Goals
A goal is considered short-term if it will take about one month or less to complete. The Short-Term Goal (STG) is most effective when it is related to a Long-Term Goal. The STG therefore acts as the blueprints or map in route to LTG achievement. A goal is not a goal until you write it […]