Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering by: David A. Kessler, M.D. Book review by Sandy Hannant In his book “Capture”, Dr David A. Kessler explains the ramifications of mental illness by breaking it down to one word: Capture. Capture is described by Dr. Kessler as a process when something captures our thoughts, feels unmanageable […]

Release of Information
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Member intake
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Trevor “T-REV” McCumby
Trevor “T-REV” McCumby Vs. Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira Friday 15 May 2015 US Airway Centre, Phoenix, Arizona, USA commission: Arizona State Boxing Commission promoter: Bob Arum (Top Rank) matchmaker: Brad Goodman television: USA TruTV Tweets by @T_RevMcCumby

No Cost Agreement
Please enter your FULL LEGAL NAME and send this Agreement to Steven N. Hannant. Content of Agreement: Mental Training Program A Division of Psychological Mobile Services, PA Agreement I, Steven N. Hannant, hereby enter into the following agreement with (FULL LEGAL NAME). The terms of the agreement are as follows, […]

Thought Record
Thought Record Choose 1 disturbing thought and complete the assessment below: Remember: “Don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that – thoughts.” – A. Lokos “We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls.” – Winston Churchill

Personal Ethos
Personal Ethos United States Army “Warrior Ethos” (Ethos: character, reflects core beliefs and values) I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. What is your personal ethos?

Brain Storm
BrainStorm A Book review of @DrDanSiegel by @WilsonPractice Matthew Mitchell & @SportsShrink “DrSteve” @DrDanSiegel, M.D. and author discusses how brain development effects conduct and relationships in teens in his most recent book, Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain. Dr. Siegel explains the adolescent brain in an accessible manner with the goal of […]