Elite Training for Professionals & Amateurs

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What Athletes Say
– Dr. Christian Conte, Co-host, Coaching BadOf all the weight that makes up the body, only three specific pounds create the actual difference between “athletes with great potential” and truly great athletes. The three-pound human brain holds the key to the most significant aspect of sports: The mental game. Dr. Steve’s Mental Training Program is a well-thought out system that will absolutely deliver the necessary mental edge to any athlete who follows it.
– Matt "The Law" Lindland, Elite Coach & MMA, Olympic Wrestler, Team Quest Founder, Future Hall of FamerDr Steve has proven to be an integral part of our team since he started working with Pat “Bam Bam” Healy and our other athletes. Mental skill training in my opinion is as important as technique or being well conditioned for top athletes. The top performers understand the importance of training all areas and do not discount the importance of mental skills.
– Denis Kang, Professional MMA, UFC, PRIDE Fighting Championships(Dr. Steve) You really are “making” it happen, big part of the mental game if you catch my meaning. Anyways I really like your work (MMA Study)… I would love to get it again, really was an interesting and Great read.
– Pat “Bam Bam” Healy, Professional MMA, Strikeforce, UFC, Team QuestI’ve been working with a sports psychologist, Dr. Steve (of Mental Training Program), I think the mental game is a huge part of it. You’ve got to train your mind as well as your body. If you leave that aspect out of it, you’re leaving a lot on the table.
– Travis Lutter, Professional MMA, Ultimate Fighter Season 4 winnerDr. Steve’s work with athletes is on the cutting edge of mental training. The techniques that he employs to help athletes reach their goals are proven to be effective time and time again.”
– Pat “Bam Bam” Healy, Professional MMA, Strikeforce, UFC, Team QuestDr. Steve has been a huge asset for me, I’ve never trained my mind for a fight before, and I feel even stronger going into this fight…he made me realize that I need to be training that (the mind), as well as my body.
– Trevor "T-Rev" McCumby, Undefeated Professional BoxerDr. STEVE has helped me hone in on my mental strength. My relaxation techniques have become very strong and have helped me both in and out of the ring.